The alien agenda

The alien agenda

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The other side of the story

‘Why did the Ukrainians have to kill us?’

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Let There Be A New Season

@ministerpeacefulpoet1A New Season – poem♬ original sound – ministerpeacefulpoet

Let There Be A New Season

When the black is blacker than black
and the white is whiter than white
Nothing is gray
We all pay
and I pray
This ends today
The multi colored rainbow knows
This is the light
Together it goes
A promise for ever
The world will flood never
In the darkness stars shine bright
In the daylight there is shade
Shadows to protect us
from a bright sun light
We say it is good
We say it is right
When they come together
Morning and evening
Orange and crimson
It is then we pause
To see reason
The time has come
It is now the season
We ignore leaders
Who are dividers and deceivers
and be believers of the weavers
To be seers and not blinders

By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 1/30/22

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Its Here Today

Its Here Today

When the moon fell down
We picked up our horse
and we left town
Because there was no one around
there was no sound
We hoped
we would be found

When upside is turned down
The clown will only frown
Pink turns brown
To that place of color
We are bound

Roy and Sally May had to pay
In order to play
If you said please
You may
It wasn’t alright
It wasn’t okay

One day the moon will rise
Cause a high tide
Drown out the cries
Wash away all the lies
I think this day is here
I think its today
Stand still and pray
Don’t let them make you
Go away

By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 1/22/22

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You Can’t Eat Money All Up

I love Aurora – she is poetry in action and she is so good at it, what a joy to watch and she sings so beautifully, and I would imagine she writes her own stuff.

Climate Change or what it used to be known as, Global warming is an awesome thing because its anti technology/capitalism, etc. and pro mother earth/nature, and I like that. BUT – sorry, its not an issue. What is really happening they are not telling you. It was once classified by the CIA but, they were so successful with their Conspiracy campaign and now control most of main stream media. They knew that they could just go ahead and unclassify it, because no one would listen anyways. But if you really want to know what is coming – I posted a video on Rumble. Or if you have a scientific mind, Suspicious Observers recently posted a 1 hour video that explains everything in detail.

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The Science of Born Again
A lot of weird videos have been coming out lately and I’ve been watching them, or parts of them, with what little time I have. And I’ve created my weird video to go along with all the other weird videos. I don’t know were all this comes from. For five days I’m working really hard, tired as could be, and my Friday coming home listening to a christian music station and hearing a song about being born again, when I get home, I decided to make this video just as I pull into the driveway. It was a bit of a mess, I dropped the phone once and had to create a second part because I forgot some things. Edited it all together and even added music which I have never done before, real proud of it.

The Science of Born Again-Minister Peacefulpoet-After hearing a song about being born again on the radio coming home from work after a busy week.

I will not share this on facebook, instagram or youtube – however, if you wish to, you may.

Music: Reaper’s night By Sean B from Royalty Free Music

Previous video about the Event, or Happening:

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In Support of The Palestinians

I don’t believe in a two state solution, its not practical. But if I have a friend from Palestine who believes in the two state solution, I support that friend, not his or her idea.

Palestine is a derivative of the Philistines and I can’t remember the exact name the Roman empire gave them. When the Turkish empire took over, the name changed only because it was translated into the Turkish language and it has remained Palestine every since. Originally, it was the land of Israel. Many of the Palestinians who live there today are actually descendants of the actual Jews who lived there when Jesus walked the earth. When Rome tore the Israeli empire down, many of the Israeli’s who remained converted to Christianity, a few maintained their Jewish heritage. Then when the Ottoman empire came, many of them converted to the Islam religion.

So the truth be told. IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT PALESTINE YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE. Because many of them are the original Jews who lived there when Jesus walked the earth. Sure, there was a caravan of Muslims who came over when the Ottoman empire took over, but that was just a small group of people. Because while it is true that many Jews fled when the Roman empire destroyed them. It is also true that many remained as well, and many of them are the Palestinians of today, and we should respect them. I think if the Israeli Zionists party who took over Palestine and renamed most of it Israel, treated the original inhabitants with the respect, honor and equality that any human being deserves. I don’t think they would care if they were called Israelis or Palestinians if they were treated with equality, dignity and respect any human being deserves.

If our government believed in human rights (OBVIOUSLY IT DOES NOT). It would refuse to send one more dollar in support of the Zionist movement taking over Palestine. Demand that before we send one more dollar to them, that they start treating the Palestinians with the same respect they would offer to an Israeli member of the Zionist party. There should be equality and we should demand it.

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Revelations 3:9

(Of course someone will come along and dispute my article on some technicality. There are different versions out there. Technicalities or not, I do not believe I am wrong in inserting that many of the Palestinians of today are the descendants of the Jews who walked the earth when Jesus was here. If you search, “Jesus was a Palestinian,” you’ll find my version of history.)

Many of us support Palestine, its awful and we are informed despite our own Western media. It is one thing to post support for Palestine and it is another to do it. If you are a supporter of Palestine, please do what you can if asked to do so. Of course I can’t always donate, but as I can I will and if its questionable I won’t.

I get several requests for money from people in Gaza. There is lots of suffering in Gaza. If you’re a scam artist, please don’t, you are making it more difficult for those in Gaza. I don’t believe paypal supports people in Gaza. I will not send money via paypal directly to those who claim they suffer in Gaza. Funding campaigns are often but not always legit.

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Testosterone and Estrogen

Testosterone and estrogen, most of us contain a little of both, most of us contain more of one than the other.

Testosterone and estrogen are different animals and neither are alike.

Testosterone and estrogen do not understand each other and they don’t know the other.

Testosterone and estrogen are each what the other is missing, this is why the one is attracted to the other and find love in coming together. In doing so, the one learns about the other and the two become one.

Gospel of Thomas Saying 22:

Jesus saw some infants who were being suckled. He said to his disciples: These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him: If we then become children, shall we enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter [the kingdom].

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Military Industrial Complex

I keep getting invites to join the Illuminati and there seems to be two groups who claim to be the Illuminati.  One says you will become rich and famous and the other does not make this claim.  The one group that does not make this claim says that they’re watching humanity and protecting humanity and their bible tells us that they know of free energy and will create world peace and can grow human parts to fix any medical ailment.  They keep trying to sell you stuff.  I’m beginning to believe that the Illuminati does not really exist as some ruling power.  Just a rag tag group of people who have labeled themselves, who prescribe to some beliefs that everybody believes but is just make believe.  

The real bad guys in this world today is the industrial military complex who make weapons for profits and can be most profitable when there is war, conflict and fear, so they set out to create this in this world of ours.  Innocently inside their mind they believe that if they are rich and powerful, it is only because of their own goodness.  Not realizing the destruction they create.  And they in their self righteousness convince themselves that those who are crushed deserve it.  These are the most powerful people in our world today.  Call them the founders of the new world order, Illuminati, followers of Dajjal, Anti-christ or the Satan that rules this earth.  Whatever you call them, what they really are is the leaders of our military industrial complex motivated by pure profit.  They need to be taken down, they must be taken down.  Vote for Tulsi Gabbard and not even she can do this all by herself.  We must all come together to take down the military industrial complex, the real evil in this world. 

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I hate the commercial, it pisses me off.  I like women, I think women are beautiful.  When I was in the Navy we might go months without seeing a woman and when we would see one, it would be like wow.  But now, that’s wrong, its objectifying, its toxic masculinity, that’s bull shit.

It’s natural, and I refuse to be ashamed of that, and I won’t be shamed.  Without this, we might have gone extinct.  Don’t ask me to shame my piers, Won’t happen.  The hypocrisy of this is so fuckn deep, you can fuck’n drown in this shit. So thank you for speaking out and many other women like you.  

We all need to be who we are, be real and unashamed and fuck the self righteous people who try to shame us into what we are not. Something that is more acceptable to them – Fuck them.  I’m not them and they’re not me and that is not the way it is supposed to be.  

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