Minister Peacefulpoet's
Links Page


Hidden Meanings

Faithful America


Greater Oklahoma City chapter of the United Nations Association



My Son


Window Into Palestine

Palestine Chronicle


Air Quality

Car Emergency Checklist

Disaster preparedness essentials

Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Emergency Medical Bills

Emergency Preparedness and Pets

Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

Guide to Financial Emergency Preparedness

Homeowners Guide to Lightning Safety

How to Organize and Prepare for Disasters

Important Legal Documents for Emergency Preparedness

Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What to Buy, What to Skip

Security and Your Phone: What are the Risks and How to Stay Safe


Good Samaritan by: Richard Harkness

About: In the old days when the internet first started people would have a links page where
we would swap links to each others websites to increase popularity, that doesn't work anymore.
That was a thousand algorithms back, but, I still have a links page. People send me emails asking
me to add a link to there page, if it seems helpful to others, I do.
Blessed Be, Peace and Love.